The Student Support Team (SST) comprises the principal, teachers, support staff, SNA’s, representatives from the School Completion Programme and from Foróige, and also visiting interested parties. Its function to to monitor and assist students who may be in need of extra support during periods of the school year.
Concerns around individual students, or groups of students, are shared. Issues are defined, possible strategies and interventions are discussed and follow-up actions and supports are put in place by team members. SST members link responses from home, school and students. A review system is built into the plan. Records of the SST meetings are kept on file and are an indication of the support the school has provided. This is forwarded to the appropriate Year Heads. Team members have the support of all school staff and any member of the school staff can refer a student to the SST, if they have concerns.
All referrals have to go through the formal referral structure system. The SST meets on a weekly basis and meetings last for one hour. Whole school support initiatives are recommended to management by the team , and to individuals who are part of the pastoral care structure. The SST is one of the wide-ranging student supports available in Terence MacSwiney Community College.