ICT Acceptable Use & Remote Teaching Policy
- ICT means Information and Communication Technology.
- ICT equipment means iPads, computers, smartphones and the software that is installed on those devices, scanners, printers, keyboards, mice, and the Internet.
The use of ICT and the Internet is a privilege. To allow for the effective use of ICT facilities and the creation of a pleasant and safe working environment, each student using the ICT facilities at Terence MacSwiney Community College must adhere to the College ICT Acceptable Usage Policy.
By using an iPad, logging on to a computer in the College or using any computer related equipment in the College, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agreed to adhere to the following College ICT Acceptable Usage Policy.
The guidelines apply to both school-owned hardware/equipment/devices and items brought on-site by users. This list is not exhaustive and the College reserves the right to modify and amend the list as deemed necessary
All rules in the School Code of Behaviour (e.g. bullying/cyber-bulling, use of inappropriate language etc.) apply to online environments.
- ICT equipment may only be used if you are engaged in college-approved work and only when an adult supervisor is in the room.
- The College computers may not be used for downloading, uploading, printing or forwarding content unless you are directed to by the teacher.
- Students are not permitted to install, delete or alter any software on College computers (PCs and iPads)
- Students are expected to act ethically and responsibly in their use of the internet/email and to comply with relevant national legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
- Students must not access internet websites that are likely to be considered abusive, offensive or inflammatory by others.
- Students must not post or send messages on newsgroups, chat areas, social networking sites or pages that are likely to be considered abusive, vulgar, offensive or inflammatory by others.
- Students should be careful not to divulge any personal information when online.
- Communication between students using messaging services such as instant Messenger or Facebook Chat during class is strictly forbidden.
- Each user has the responsibility to report offensive ICT behaviour to the College authorities.
- Rooms and equipment should be left in a tidy and safe condition. Any equipment in need of repair should be reported to the relevant teacher.
Disciplinary Action for Misuse of ICT Facilities
- While using the ICT facilities, each student is responsible for his/her actions and is accountable to all staff members of Terence MacSwiney Community College. If a member of staff observes any student in breach of college ICT regulations, the offending student will be asked to cease that activity immediately.
- Disciplinary Actions for misuse and infractions of Terence MacSwiney Community College’s network, internet connection, software and/or hardware will include one or more of the following:
- Implementation of the College’s Code of Behaviour policy
- Temporary or permanent loss of privileges for use of these items
- In school suspension
- Legal action, if necessary
- The College reserves the right to monitor all online and network activities by st. This allows the right to review any electronic communications or files and share these with the relevant authority as seen necessary.