Student Application Form 2023/24

    Pupil's First Name (as per Birth Certificate)
    Pupil's Surname
    Phone number
    Date of birth
    Present School
    Mother's Name
    Father's Name
    Number of children in family
    Please select this child's place in family
    Brothers/Sisters in attendance at Terence MacSwiney Community College
    YesNo If Yes, please indicate names and the year they are currently in
    1: 2: 3: 4: Brothers/Sisters Past Pupils of Terence MacSwiney Community College
    YesNo If Yes, please indicate names and the year they left
    1: 2: 3: 4: Any other relevant information you may wish to supply

    Data Protection Statement

    Acknowledgement Footnote The Privacy Statement and Data Protection Policy referred to above are available at:
    Privacy Statement
    Data Protection Policy.